Shipping policy

Delivery times vary for the specific product. See the delivery time for that particular product in the product description.

Sometimes an item runs out of stock and then the delivery time can be slightly longer. ATTENTION! Orders placed on Friday after 15:00 and on weekends are sent the following Monday at the earliest.

Orders are shipped as soon as possible, provided that all products in the order are in stock. If any product in your order is sold out, the entire order will be sent when all products have arrived in our warehouse.

If delays in delivery should occur (without us notifying you of a longer delivery time), please contact us at the email address:

Smaller packages are delivered to your letterbox/letterbox. Larger packages are delivered to your drop-off location.

For untriggered packages, we will deduct SEK 395 from your refund to cover costs incurred.

We reserve the right to final sale.

CNB E-HANDEL AB // ENVY BEAUTY & MAKEUP reserves the right to change your chosen shipping method for both our and the customer's safety. Note that we never switch to a cheaper shipping method than what you have chosen yourself.